About Us

Estimate your portions
with photos of real food

Figwee uses pictures of real food, carefully weighed in increasing sizes, to help you visually estimate the amount of food you have eaten 

Figwee is a calorie counting mobile app that uses food photos to determine the food portion for entry in its food diary. My husband came up with the concept after finding text based apps hard to use and not intuitive. 

Most of us are visual people. It is easy to make a mental picture of how much cheese we added to our tacos, but not so easy to guess how many ounces it was.

Figwee aims to utilize this fact of human nature to help people better estimate their portions as well as make it easier to track their food intake.


Weight Loss

All successful weight loss programs ultimately do the same thing: Burn more calories than are consumed. Counting calories is simply a must to achieve this for any long term change.


Lifestyle Management

It is critically important to have a weight loss plan that is sustainable. The only realistic way for this to work is to be allowed to eat foods you like. Portions control is the secret to weight loss. Eat the foods you crave but in a controlled way.


Diabetic Carb Control

Figwee has been embraced by the diabetic community for its unique tools to help determine carb consumption.


A Fully Featured Solution

Along with our unique food portion photos, Figwee also tracks exercise, macronutrients, water, sodium, weight changes, and more. Everything you need for success in one package.

About Me

Hi I’m Jennifer (Jenn), Co Founder of Figwee

I started this blog in support of Figwee and for anyone needing a little help reaching their health goals. I believe in Figwee and have used it to lose 45 pounds and keep them off for years.

I was over 200 pounds on a barely 5′ 1″ frame. I was really struggling with all things physical and this was leading to health problems. It was time to get serious. We had created this tool and I wasn’t letting it help me.

I started tracking my food, and this was really an eye opener. My eating was out of control. I began to cut back my food portions and started exercising. It was hard.  There was no magic cure, I had to do the work.

Today I have kept off 45lbs. I am no where near my “ideal weight”, but that’s ok. I am so much healthier. I can do so many physical things:  run up the stairs, enjoy a hike, spend all day walking on vaction. It is a life long change. When I slip and don’t track my food I gain weight and when I am tracking, I lose it.

I have learned a lot, things that helped me and things I’d do differently. I hope I can create posts that will help you in your health journey.


Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!

How do I get the Figwee App?

Just click on the appropriate link at the top of this page and it will take you directly to the app in the app stores.

Figwee is available for iOS and Android. Go to the store your mobile device supports and download it for free. Once you have made a free (and easy) account you can access a desktop app that is linked to the mobile app fro your convenience.

How does Figwee help me lose weight?

Despite what you may have read about calories in/out and calorie tracking, variations of these concepts are the driving force behind all successful weight loss. The most direct way to create a calorie deficit (more calories burned than eaten) is to reduce the amount of food you eat. Contrary to popular belief, it is not through exercise.

Figwee is the best tool for visualizing and tracking the volume of food you are consuming. Photos of food are a much better meassuring stick than trying to guess the volume in a text based app.

Can I use Figwee for free?

The basic functions necessary to lose weight are always completely free. We created Figwee to help people, inclinding ourselves. We offer some premium features to help cover the costs of keeping it running. The subscription for these features is very easily cancelled. We never take any of your financial information and it is strictly handled through the app stores.

What makes Figwee different from all the other calorie counter apps?

The food photos! No one else has meticulously weighed and photographed real food pictures to help you determine your portions. And it is proven to help easily and quickly enter your food diary entries without wondering whether you had 3 oz or 4 oz of food.

Why does Figwee need to know some of my personal details?

In order to calculate the scientific formulas to track your calorie deficit, there are a few things we ask you, like weight, age, and birth gender. These variables affect how many calories your body burns naturally throughout the day. We DO NOT use this information for any other purpose. We respect your privacy with the utmost vigilance.

Can I count carbs using Figwee?

Absolutely.  All macros are tracked. You can set goals for macros and track against these. It is always there at your fingertips with features to subtotal a group of food as you see fit to measure the macros any way you wish to count them.

The diabetic community has embraced Figwee and is frequesntly mentioned as a must have tool for counting carbs when it really matters to get them right.

I’m here to help!

If there is anything I can do or you just want to say hi
feel free to send me an email.

Email Me


Where are we?

Las Vegas, NV